Why Bayview Glen

The Bayview Glen (BVG) philosophy Whole Child, Whole Life, Whole World is at the centre of a Bayview Glen education. It focusses on the educational continuum from Preschool (age 2) through Grade 12, fostering values, abilities and friendships that last a lifetime. This philosophy embraces the real world beyond our walls in that we are co-educational, multicultural and multi-denominational; and it focusses on the whole child, nurturing each child’s full potential and confidence to succeed.
Our videos showcase the vibrant culture that exists at both our Lower School and Upper School campuses.
Educating the whole child involves identifying and nurturing talents. This requires that, as educators, we provide a wide range of interesting opportunities for students to explore – from arts to athletics, from Spanish to Mandarin, from robotics to Model United Nations, and from the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative to DECA and Advanced Placement. We are proud of the accomplishments of our students. Our graduates enjoy a 100% acceptance rate to 4-year degree granting institutions. See our Graduate Profiles for more information.
Our co-educational and multicultural environment is the real differentiating factor of a Bayview Glen education, maximizing the learning potential of both boys and girls. The focus in today’s education should not be on how boys and girls learn differently, but on personalizing the learning environment and differentiating instruction and assessment for all. The difference within the genders is often greater than those between the genders, and we must remain focussed on what is gender shared and keep in mind that everything is a variable based on the individual person. Also, the research on leadership suggests that girls and boys need experience in both leading and following individuals of the opposite gender. This is accomplished easily in a co-educational environment. A Bayview Glen education gives students a head start in school and in life, building a strong foundation for the future. The values instilled in them ensure they develop an appreciation for what they have and who they are. It also develops in them a heightened sense of responsibility to themselves and others and the value of making a difference.
A cornerstone of a Bayview Glen education is its membership in Round Square, a worldwide association of schools on five continents that links our students’ local community to the world at large. The Round Square IDEALS of Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service are woven into the fabric of our school. This adds the international dimension so necessary in today’s education of global citizens and future leaders. When our students move on to university or enter the world of work, the global perspective becomes an important legacy from their time at Bayview Glen. Students’ time at Bayview Glen prepares them well; to think critically and creatively; to work hard and manage their time. Most of all, it helps them to know who they are. When they continue to post-graduate work, Bayview Glen alumni are welcomed at the best universities in the world.