
Opportunities abound for our students in all areas. The purpose of the co-curricular programme in the Prep is to provide venues for students to explore interests, talents and experiences outside the classroom that can lead to a better understanding of themselves as learners and members of the community. We offer many different choices for the students from athletic to academic challenges. All students are encouraged to participate, and many of our clubs have come directly from suggestions made by our students.

Gryphons Athletics

Our varied programmes provide unlimited opportunities for the aspiring athlete. The School mascot, the mighty Gryphon – representing speed and majesty with its body of a lion and head of an eagle – symbolizes the combining of intelligence with strength and a positive attitude. Please visit the Athletics section for more information.

Gryphon Athletics, our sports programme, has developed into one of the most successful of its kind amongst our competitive schools. Our students compete at high levels in many sports including volleyball, soccer, basketball, swimming, tennis, and track and field. As a co-educational school, we ensure that there are equal opportunities for males and females alike. Over 90% of our Prep School students participate in at least one sport per year. While the stress is on participation, our student athletes are also very successful thanks to the wonderful support of their parents and fellow students.


a technology club shows off their creations

The 21st Century is an era of learning how to use technology in deeper and more meaningful ways. Our students have embraced this in very powerful ways. Our Robotics teams have won national and international recognition; competing at the global competitions four years running. Bayview Glen hosts the Annual CIS Ontario TechnoCup West Point Bridge Building Competition and has placed in the top two teams for the past few years. Technology is not simply about using computers, it is about using the technology we have at hand to solve the problems of today and tomorrow. 

Prep School Co-Curricular Opportunities

Students in the Prep School are keen to explore their interests and meet new challenges. Outside of Gryphons Athletics, we offer a variety of groups, clubs and committees for students to participate in. Some of our clubs and committees include:

The Prep Student Council and all its Committees (the Athletics Committee, the Student Life Committee, the Arts Committee, the Young Round Square, Media and Creative Technologies, the Yearbook Committee, Community Outreach, the Ambassadors’ Association, the Lighting and Sound Booth, the Green Team, etc.)

  • The Concert Band, Jazz Band, Choir
  • The Annual Dramatic Production (Cast, Crew and Stage Management)
  • The Robotics Club and Robotics Team
  • The Computing Club

Music Lessons

Music lessons are offered and can be privately arranged with our Music Department in:  

  • Band Instruments
  • Piano
  • Guitar
  • Voice