Advanced Placement

The Advanced Placement (AP) programme is an opportunity to achieve credit or placement in university level courses while enrolled in high school. It is geared for any student who is highly motivated, goal-oriented, independent, or who demonstrates exceptional talent or ability in a specific subject area.

In the AP programme, students engage in academically enriched university level courses and develop the knowledge and skills for university coursework. Students also develop a greater depth of understanding of the subject matter and get a jump on their university careers by taking responsibility for their academic pursuits and university planning.

Students with ability and a keen interest to study AP courses not mentioned in our list below have the opportunity to work with a faculty member who will guide and prepare them for the examination. Online courses are in development, which offer students more flexibility.

Benefits for Students

  • credit or placement in university courses
  • improved focus on academic pursuits
  • additional direction in selecting university majors
  • acceleration into second, or even third-year courses of university programme with Advanced Placement credits
  • broadened course selection in university or pursuit of double-majors or combined degree programmes
  • increased potential for entry into competitive programmes and universities
  • extra preparedness for the academic challenge of university-level courses
  • gaining higher problem-solving, critical-thinking, analytical, time-management and study skills
  • development of self-discipline and perseverance required for success at university

 Courses Available

  • Biology
  • Calculus AB
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese Language and Culture
  • Comparative Government and Politics
  • Computer Sciences A
  • Computer Science Principles
  • English Language and Composition
  • European History
  • French Language and Culture
  • Human Geography
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Physics 1 – Algebra-based
  • Physics 2 – Algebra-based
  • Spanish Language and Culture
  • US History

If you would like information about course content, please contact the Upper School at 416.443.1030.