Global Education

Global Competency

Across the curriculum, all Bayview Glen students are investigating the world beyond their borders, recognizing and valuing different perspectives, collaborating to create solutions for complex problems, and taking action on issues of global significance. The Global Studies Certificate, designed by Bayview Glen, encourages Upper School students to select courses with an international focus; participate in global experiences; join a co-curricular club or other activity with an international connection; and contribute to solving an issue with global dimensions.

Global Partnerships

Bayview Glen became a Global Member of Round Square in 2001. Inspired by the educational concepts of Kurt Hahn, a German educator and key figure in the development of experiential education, Round Square is an internationally diverse network of two hundred like-minded schools in fifty countries on six continents. 

Member schools share a commitment to character education and experiential learning through our shared IDEALS – International Understanding, Democracy, Environmental Stewardship, Adventure, Leadership, and Service. With the Round Square network of schools, Bayview Glen students can attend international conferences, projects, and student exchanges around the world—virtually and in person.

As a leader in the field of global education, Bayview Glen is also a member of the Global Education Benchmark Group, EcoSchools, and The Duke of Edinburgh International Award.

Global Curriculum

Teaching and learning at Bayview Glen extend beyond our campus. In addition to Round Square activities in the Prep and Upper Schools, Upper School students have the option to join an IDEALS travel programme each year. A thoughtfully designed curriculum encourages students to recognize the humanity, diversity, and value of the people and places they encounter. Students gain a deeper appreciation for the human experience and a broadened worldview that inspires them to take a purposeful role in shaping their local and global communities. Our classrooms are enriched by the knowledge, skills, and values that students learn through travel.

Global Leadership

Bayview Glen has a variety of student-led clubs with global connections, including Model United Nations, French and Spanish Language Clubs, Global Ideas Institute, BIPOC Club, Girl Up, Environment Club, and the Round Square Committee.