Archival Mandate and Policy Statement

The mandate of Bayview Glen Archives is to collect, arrange, describe, preserve and make accessible the permanent records of the school as well as rare and unique collections that support the school’s administration, teaching, research, education and service.

The Archives endeavours to accomplish this by:

  • Accepting, arranging and describing materials of individuals and organizations that relate to the subject matter, research and educational ventures of Bayview Glen
  • Collecting, preserving and making accessible records, artifacts and cultural heritage items of the school and community
  • Providing reference and outreach services and making collections available to students, faculty, staff, researchers and the community to support research, teaching and lifelong learning
  • Establishing and reviewing policies and providing guidance for record keeping practices

Material acquired by Bayview Glen Independent School Archives shall become the permanent property of the Archives, and therefore, Bayview Glen School until the Archivist deems the material no longer relevant to the Archives. This material may be deaccessioned and the disposition of and information pertaining to the material will remain within the Archives’ records.  The Archives retains the right to reproduce materials for security, preservation, conservation, research, or any other needs deemed necessary.


Bayview Glen Archives collects and preserves historical materials about the school. The mandate of the Archives is to make these collections available to students, faculty, staff, researchers and the community. The Archives maintains the records and accomplishments of Bayview Glen School including, but not limited to yearbooks, photos, publications, artifacts and electronic media. The Archives supports alumni, celebrating their past and present, and promotes and facilitates the sharing and creation of knowledge by present and future generations. If you are interested in contributing to the Archives, read our Collection Policy (pdf)

Rights and Copyright Concerning Archival Material in Bayview Glen Archives

  • exhibit, broadcast, in a film or video, or on a website, may require the authorization of the copyright owner of the work in question. For materials whose copyright is owned by the school, you must request authorization. For materials whose copyright is owned by others, it is your responsibility to locate the copyright owner and obtain any necessary authorizations.
  • © Bayview Glen

Permission for Publication, Display, Public Performance and Broadcast

Permission from the school Archivist must be obtained in writing before archival material can be used for publication, display, public performance, or broadcast. The school Archivist reserves the right to approve the accuracy of information or the images used in any of the aforementioned.


Citations for specific items from the archival collection should state Bayview Glen Archives as the repository, the title of the fonds, the title of the item (or file if there is no item level description), and the reference number provided on the archival description.

I.E. Bayview Glen Archives. Bayview Glen Fonds, 1990-1991 Yearbook, 1-2-OS1-OM1.


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