Trailblazer Alumni Award

The Bayview Glen Alumni Association Board is seeking nominations for the Bayview Glen Trailblazer Alumni Award which honours The Trailblazer Award recognizes Bayview Glen Alumni who are pursuing excellence in their passions, on paths less taken. This award is for “young” alumni who are pursuing excellence in their chosen field, emphasizing their own pursuit of Bayview Glen’s whole child ethos and interdisciplinary nature. Nominees are welcome from any profession, but we especially welcome alumni in the arts, social work, education, innovation or entrepreneurship. We want to honour and celebrate young alumni who take risks, march to their own drum and set a path forward for others to follow.


Victoria Battams
Class of 2007
2024 Award Recipient

Dayna Stein
Class of 2009
2023 Inaugural Award Recipient


  • Pursuing projects or careers that they have a distinct zeal and passion for.
  • Self starters, creating their own initiatives, programs or businesses.
  • Do not need to be late career or accomplished, young alumni getting started are welcome nominees.
  • Participation and leadership in impactful initiatives in addition to and outside of a nominees workplace are welcome.
  • Giving back to the community, advancing novel ideas or pursuing innovative mediums or projects. 

If you would like to nominate a Bayview Glen graduate (or yourself) for the 2025 award, please contact